The Great British Tea Test 2012

The Great British Tea Test 2012

That tea review data in full...

So we set out to try all the major and supermarket brand teas and decide which was the best this year.

The Tea & The Cakes

We tried the following teas:

  • ASDA red label
  • Clipper
  • Lancashire
  • Marks & Spencer everyday
  • Morrisons red label
  • PG Tips
  • Sainsbury's red label
  • Tesco red label
  • Tetley
  • Twinings
  • Typhoo
  • Whittard
  • Yorkshire

2nd December 2012

In which the elfs and I investigate the publicity of Mediæval Bæbes...

Today's song is the classic Gaudete which you may well know the Steeleye Span version of. Here is the version performed by the Mediæval Bæbes:

I think their album covers show an obvious change in publicity tactics. For example here's their first album, Salva Nos, which is where Gaudete is from:


A cover which definitely fits with the medieval theme of their music. Their next album then features the artists themselves:

worlds blysse.jpg

Apparently slowly dissolving into the curtains. Then their publicity guy went "Hey they're all women, let's put them in nicer dresses":


Which was followed by the noughties hitting them suddenly:


Where they look like an extended cast of Charmed. Then the publicity guy clearly came back with "We need sexy dresses and lighting!":


Then they went all out on the photoshoot:


While it would be cool to think that the new marketing is due to them being assured women I expect it was a male advertising exec who came up with the idea. Maybe men just don't like medieval songs in general and the need to push into the market?

Tom Out!

1st December 2012

In which I present Christmas Wrapping...

The elfs* here at Tinker Tailor Soldier Sponge have suggested this song today. It's not the rarest (as it definitely features on at least one version of The Best Christmas Album In The World ... Ever!) , however, it isn't as popular as say A Fairytale of New York is. I really like this song as it tells a story and is pretty festive :)

*No elfs† were harmed in the making of this blogpost

†Elfs as in the short Christmas kind, not Elves the tall Tolkienian kind

Tom Out!