Or How I Learnt To Stop Worrying And Enjoy My Job
So you may have noticed that my last post about my working life and PhD was back in 2014. My last proper post tagged as 'PhD' was about tables in LaTeX. I didn't even make a post about my graduation!
Suffice to say I did graduate and finally get to wear the fancy robes:
And the floppy hat:
So what have I been doing since?
Well you'll be glad to know I got a job working for an MRI manufacturer based in the UK.
Since then I've been rather busy and so haven't blogged as much as I would like. I have kept wanting to create in some way and I have finally drafted some short stories that need finishing and putting online. I've also wanted to get back into YouTube. Even going so far as to register a(nother) Twitter account and (another) YouTube channel but not actually create any videos.
In short I am hoping to return to blogging more frequently. Both about my life (à la this post) and about computing stuff that interests me (home automation blogs incoming!). Following on from the YouTube idea that has fallen by the way side I hope to blog more about my travels with work. Who knows it may lead to me actually making some of these videos too but I wouldn't count on it.
Obviously I can't talk about what I am doing day-to-day except in very general terms but I hope to write more about the many and varied places I am fortunate enough to visit in my role as 'MR Physicist for hire'. I think that's the main conclusion I've come to on this current trip (Seoul) so expect a post coming up on my adventures both here and in Tokyo (boarding is in about...now).
As a teaser here is a small gallery of photos from Seoul:

Tom Out!
P.S. Yes, I did post this while waiting for a flight so that I could use this terrible pun for a title...
P.P.S. I have another YouTube idea that I want to start working on when I return to the UK. Watch this space!