Hello World!

Well this is the first post I'm making here on my shiny new blog.In short I thought no-one would want to listen to my problems etc. (those who do can do so IRL) so I decided to make a blog full of useful/interesting things (or at least it will be).

The name of TinkerTailorSoldierSponge sums up my intention for this blog fairly neatly - these will be the 4 major categories of posts:

  1. Tinker - a catch-all term for DIY and computer related geekery
  2. Tailor - costume design/construction for fancy dress purposes (or even porpoises)
  3. Soldier - Airsoft related activities
  4. Sponge - cookery (mostly cakes) [won't start until mid-June when I move to a house with a working oven]
Over the next few days I'll be getting to grips with WordPress and blogging in general. First to pick a theme...
Tom W